Friday, May 29, 2009

Missing Teeth Paradigm

Often I will have dreams where my teeth get knocked out and I am trying to figure out what to do. This is most likely karma or guilt because I once knocked out my friend's teeth in high school. (Total accident involving a thrown baseball if you're curious)

Too bad all our wonderful myths like the tooth fairy disappear out of childhood. Adults don't believe in fairies. Instead we believe in dinosaurs and Chuck Norris.

Mom and Mike came up to visit this week, which was pretty neat. They took me shopping and I got some much-needed t-shirts. I ended the day on the couch with leftovers from Bob Evans, a glass of wine, and British hilarity. Thanks to Jeff for Spaced, even though the audio is ever-so-slightly out of sync on this version, they're still the most watchable DVD's we own.

Finals week is fast approaching, and all I can really think about is swimming. The lanes in the RPAC lap pool are wide enough to drive a car down, and yet I am always amazed to find people standing forlorn on the deck waiting for a section of pool to open that they can have all to themselves. I always offer to share my lane with these aquatic refuges, who oft look bewildered as they try to puzzle out the meaning of the word "share." I can't blame them for their confusion though; our culture understands less about sharing than we would care to admit.

That is the way of it.


Mrs. B said...

good job princess....

Monkey Love said...

My dream books say that teeth being broken or missing means that you are feeling self conscious...I have had many weird teeth dreams so I've looked it up a few times :)

Monkey Love said...

The funny thing was before braces I was mostly self conscious about my teeth :D

Eater of Small Things said...

That's an interesting thought. Go psychology!