Monday, April 27, 2009

Velocity Increase

I did a bad thing over the weekend. I forgot to call mi madre y mi hermano on their birthdays. I am very truly sorry that I forgot, especially since my brother and I have gotten a lot closer this month. I totally suck.

There are a lot of other things I am letting slip through my fingers these days. It's easy to blame school and make excuses that I've been too busy, but the truth is that even busy people make time to call their family and check in on people (and not just on their birthday either). So here's a list of things I need to do:

  • Call my mom and wish her a happy belated birthday
  • Call my brother and also wish him a happy belated birthday.
  • Call my dad and finish the conversation we started over a week ago.
  • Call my other brother and see how he, his wife, and his new baby are doing.
  • Call my sis just to say hello and check in.
Besides phone calls I also need to carve out time that we can drive down and visit everyone. Top of the list is to go down to watch the new Star Trek movie with my dad the week it comes out early next month (5-7-09ish) and log in some hiking time on the Chief Logan State Park trails.

Our weekend dynamic has been unbalanced for the past month or so with various church and school commitments, But I'm hoping it will all settle down from now on so I can focus on the important things.

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