Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Strands

Last night in small group we were posed the question, "What is your life's mission statement?" and then went around the room with each person briefly rolling out their life philosophy. I was surprised by some of the responses, mainly because they confirmed what I had already suspected. It was the same validation you get from watching puzzle pieces slide into place, and made all the better because you realize you love these people for all the things that make them unique.

My wife's response was one beautiful sentence, "I want to help people." Wonderfully straightforward. Unrehearsed. From the heart. I admire her for that.

Meanwhile, various concepts race through my head trying to dredge up an appropriate self-proposed point of existence: rehearse, edit, rehearse, edit. Okay, got something. With my feet propped on the coffee table, I speak my heart:

"I've always felt that I was a leaf in the wind, with no real plan. Just experiencing life. But
now that I'm a Christian, I trust that there is an intelligence behind the currents, and I go where I'm sent with new purpose." Rehearsed, but still true.

I usually have a cup of coffee in my hand during group. It's my prop. I wave it in the air to make poignant gestures, or take a long sip to emphasize a point (also for hiding my expression when courtesy demands it). Not tonight though, drinking caffeine in the evening throws a wrench in my sleep schedule and these days every morning is an early morning.


Momma Bear said...

I love your wife and I love you guys as a couple. We need to try to squeeze in more time.

I'm so pumped you found a small group you like! We just started going to one last week.

Great mission statement btw.

Eater of Small Things said...

I totally agree that we need to get together sometime soon again. My vote is for another dinner date at that Ethiopian restaurant.

Momma Bear said...

right on man!