Monday, September 28, 2009

Dios Dias

Short quickie today, just to recap the weekend:

Helped Brent move into his new house on Saturday. It rained all weekend, and I got some stuff done around the house. I'm not sure how many more boxes full of junk I can walk out to the garbage before our living space is 'livable'. It really makes me appreciate all the more the human condition that causes a myriad assortment of debris to congregate around them in big piles.

Speaking of phenomenons of the human condition, we were watching a football game at the Mojo Lounge the other night, and I complained that something psychological prevents me from watching a play in its entirety.

I demonstrate by concentrating on the television: I watch the players line up, the ball is snapped, guys go running, and...... someone at a nearby table drops a glass, and I glance over to see what happened. Sure enough, by the time I look back, the play is over.

I'm getting help for this disability. My friend is taking me through remedial football-- an online Javaclient game called Blood Bowl. It's good for me. I'm learning about passes and I can now tell you what a lineman does.

Okay, it's coffee time. More later.

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