Wednesday, August 12, 2009

And One

I got my Spanish exam back today. Despite the effort I'm putting into this class, my grade is suffering. I'll be lucky to pull off a 'B' at this rate, which sucks because I go to every class, do the homework, and study for exams. What is left? How can I better prepare for this class?

In the end it doesn't really matter. A few weeks from now I will be finished, and no doubt concerned about the next boogie man on my horizon.

We are moving this weekend. That's all I can tell you at this point. I still don't know where specifically we will be sleeping next week, but I'm sure the details will fall into place soon enough.

My big fear is not having a place to build things. I considered this last night (and every night in recent history) as I sat in front of the television, cutting out plasticard and making a huge mess. I have to be able to make messes. The debris is unavoidable. I thrive on it.

I just keep wondering how the hell is this going to work.

In the next couple days I'm throwing out 90% of my old artwork. The stuff's too big, too cumbersome, and I don't feel like moving it into a new place where it will essentially go to rot in some basement or garage for eternity. That said, I don't know what I'm going to do with the other 10% either.

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