Friday, February 19, 2010

Fly by the Seat of Your Pants

"Today is impossible."

"Yeah? Who told you that?"

"No one. I figured it out on my own."

"Ah, your wisdom knows no bounds."



It's funny that the things I make never quite turn out like the way it was in my head. I was dwelling on the work from this past exhibition, thinking about what it meant, the things I was trying to tell you, and still it didn't come together as planned. Not necessarily in a bad way, just different.

I hit close to the mark, but not dead-on. I'd imagine if it all clicked together, a dimensional rift would form above the exhibition-space and begin to suck up all evidence. Which would probably be okay by me.

I hate these colors. But when life gives you ugly, you've just got to deal. Even when it's vomity green, bloodclot red, and WTF purple all mixed together. My life is a virtual 9 x 12 inch space of endless blank layers. Someone break out the gradient tool and ease this existence.

stop reading this blog.

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