Thursday, May 19, 2016

Indescribable Adjectives of Nountown

Painting progress on the plasma annihilator is coming along.

My world has changed so much since the start of this project. I have kids. Responsibilities. Adult things. So much time has passed since then and now, I feel like I'm collaborating with a ghost. An echo of the past.

Who am I building this for? The game, Warhammer 40k, has gone through several iterations. Our gaming clubs have waxed and waned like the tides. People move away, grow up, change. The Internet community feels like it's changed as well. Maybe less cohesive? Still as indignant, indulgent, and insulated though. Like any other interest group, I would think.

I may be building this just for myself. To fulfill my end of a bargain against an implacable adversary. And as a courtesy to those who have provided support and encouragement through the years.

My life has been molded into such a strange state. Through triumphs and (literally) crippling trials, something new emerged. Maybe hope? It pushes forward, one small step at a time. I, drowning, grab that line and hold on for dear sweet life. 

Thank you, for being what you are. I hang on because you hang on. Though I've thrown in the towel many times, you stand your ground. Push or pull me up again. One. Step. Two. Step. Thr---

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