Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Haircut Paradigm

haircut time I dislike the growing of hair on principle, but ultimately find it to be an unavoidable paradigm of existence. And now it's that time again: I need a haircut.

Haircuts aren't that bad, but I put them off until the last minute when I can. Usually I wait to the point when my wife is saying "Wow you really need a haircut" many times a day. That's when I know it's time to stroll down to Saturday's and shuck out $20 plus tip for a haircut that takes less than 5 minutes.

The horror...


circumlocutioner said...


Eater of Small Things said...

holy crap, it's the circumlocutioner! Source of all hair-growing karma.

That's a reference to Merlin, right?

P.S. Updat yerr blawg, Sonny-jim.