Friday, March 25, 2011

For Lack of Time

Still taking steps. Out of time before I started today. Got mere minutes before a long night of work-- so here goes:

Crumpled sheets of paper. Metaphor for discarded or rejected ideas. Implied content of the paper is more important than what they actually contain. Though wadded up, they inhabit a special place in the tower. Read into this what you will. That's the point. Create tension; invite discussion.

And then something to do with deliberate steps to break the perpendicular formula. Thinking outside the box. Literally.

It's possible that I don't need to break this habit. Though I'm curious to see what a pentagon shape would do to your brain. That, and irregular planes designating each tier of the piece. Neat.

Now off to work. Stew on this. Come home and build something. Please give me the energy to do more than lay around after work. Step, step, step...

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