Thursday, October 9, 2008

More Random Photoshoppery and Deadlines

nervous tick I'm not sure how most of you choose to deal with deadlines, but for me it's a mix between procrastination and bursts of manic labor. I am not consistent, though I have always been in admiration of those who are.

Anyway, I've just gotten back from the store with the two items I need most: hot glue sticks and razor blades.  I'm due for a shave. And those glue sticks are the precious ammunition I need for the Spaghetti Western.

The project's coming along in leaps and bounds, albeit staggering here and there. Sometimes it's tough getting started. I'm finding it useful to start the day by removing or changing an element that already exists on the table, rather than adding new objects. It's getting pretty tight in some places, but no longer feels like a party where no one's talking to each other. Updated pictures to follow.

Today's lunch: dinosaur-shaped pasta and meatballs in spaghetti sauce. Followed by coffee, ice cream, and curried chicken. 

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