Thursday, April 21, 2016

Retrograde Ejecta

Well, I've already gone and contradicted myself from last week, when I was throwing around words like sleek and minimal. As it turns out, I'm still sloppy. That may sound bad, but I do get stuff done. I'm just not a precision guy. To compensate, I tend to experiment and throw stuff out until something (hopefully) works.

So forget everything else I said before. This week I like my chaos ridiculous, over the top, and awesome.

There wasn't a natural stopping point to stop and take pictures, so just took a break halfway through painting so you guys can see what's going on.

Yesterday, I began roughing up the gun arm with the rotary tool, obliterating some of the details I wasn't happy with. After hosing off the debris from that, the next step was green-stuffing some nurgle yuck. I'm not sure how effective this will be. Some things have been lost. The clean lines that brought the gun together have been disrupted, and there's a small voice telling me it's now a jumble.

Papa Nurgle sneezed on this.


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