Sunday, September 24, 2017

Death Guard Hell Blade

Week 5 of the Fate of Konor campaign was set on a water world, and as such, the theme emphasized flyers and fast attack units. My Death Guard had struggled much in the campaign scenarios that required the attacker to move swiftly across the board. Because of this I realized something more was needed to capture this ocean planet for Chaos. 

I decided to scratch-build a chaos hell blade to get myself a fast harrier. It seemed simple enough to get together, and most of the construction was accomplished over a weekend. 

Ironically, me, my wife, and kids all got sick that week, and I missed the entire round. So even though the model was built and spray-primed black, it was somewhat lost in the bustle of taking care of the family. 

So something like a month has gone by and I decided to get back to finishing it up.

I've got the basic color scheme down, with a couple washes done to dirty it up.

I'm going to go in and bring out the details next. Definitely want to spend time getting the cockpit glass looking nice since it's such a focal point.

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