Saturday, August 7, 2010

Goodbye Gravity Star

I've been informed that I need to start journaling again. When I asked whether or not that included blogging, the answer was a firm "no." So disregard this post as it's part of a vestigial motion, a superfluous gesture that just happens to coincide with something more meaningful.

At the least let's use this post as a mile-marker of sorts, a reminder of what we all hope will be a significant change. Something is molting, wriggling out of its skin. Only time will tell if anything useful emerges. More than likely it's just the same organism, but with new socks.

Yes, yes. And on and on.

We were in the clothing store today. There was a customer assistance phone hanging on the wall there. On the little postage stamp-sized screen there was a single sentence. It said, "Message for you."

For me? What's the message? I think I need to know. Maybe it's something comforting, like "God loves you." or maybe, "Life will work out. Don't worry." Any of those would do.

Just give me some good news.

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