Attempting to reintegrate into the social-networking sphere appears to be an anxiety-inducing exercise, but here goes:
E is all done with school and sworn-in as a lawyer. I'm proud of her. She's run a good, long race and finished with flying colors.
Now onto the next chapter of our lives. What now?
Well, I want to get back to pursuing this art career thing:
The Great Wilderness.
Guy Goodwin told us from the beginning that it's one of the hardest career paths to follow. I couldn't agree more! The resurrection of this blog is a step in that direction; a decision to move ahead, develop a discipline in making art and writing about it. To share it.
So yeah, Step 1: art blog -
Step 2: audience for art blog - (resulting in semi-embarrassing creation of super-secret facebook group) - umm,
Step 3: I need talk about what projects I'm working on - umm, okay here goes.
So I love video games, but I haven't really played anything but
Minecraft for the past 3 years, which I use as a kind of virtual sketchbook. Recently though, a friend let me borrow his old copy of
Silent Hill 3 which is a game that came out eleven years ago that I always wanted to play. Since most of my technology is a decade or more old this worked out pretty well.
So I manage to find some time to play Silent Hill and something amazing happens: the old, corroded part of my brain that used to make art begins to flicker. I start to miss the active, hands-on
making of things. Exploring this video game continues to fuel this feeling. I explore these virtual "digital" game-spaces and come away with the urge to create.
Also, I should mention that the game came with a soundtrack CD, which I've been listening to on my commute. It's a novel idea and I've really enjoyed the immersion into the experience. My hat's off to the creators for this approach. It reminds me that I've always wanted to collaborate with musicians, to hear their soundtracks, and then build a physical environment to compliment their audioscape, and vice versa.
So these are some initial ideas in the rough. I'm nervous about putting myself out there again, but gotta start somewhere. Thanks for reading.
Step 3-